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A poet's winter of rest

2025 is already different. This is the first New Year since I can remember that I have not jumped on a list of resolutions to follow—just rest. A poet finally prioritizing self-care. But it's not easy.

As a Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon, this fits. Out-of-the-box thinkers and going-with-your-heart kind people don't much like the status quo. But as a Capricorn rising, it feels wrong. So wrong. Like I'm lazy as ever a person could be.

Here's the thing: It's not that I don't like New Year's resolutions. I do, I enjoy them quite a lot. I love the idea of a 'new year, new me' attitude. I'm constantly trying to grow and change and rebirth myself whenever possible.

So what's different about 2025? Well, I

You see, all my past resolutions were typical: eat better, sleep more, read more, exercise, give up sugar, less screen time–the works. They were trackable and measurable. They had a clear start and end to gauge my progress. Most had products that needed to be purchased and pre-set steps to complete.

But this year, when I sat down to write my resolutions, they were complicated. Deeper.

Every goal I had was spiritual or creative. They required deep introspection and interpersonal work that would be hard to measure and impossible to try and map out throughout the year. Even writing them down to check off later seemed superficial, written pressure to rush through.

So I didn't.

I sat with my goals in my head at my desk, with my cards, candles, crystals, and all my creative workings. Then, I just sat some more. I realized that my journey has come to a road where I can't set hard deadlines, not in this case. I have to let myself work through at my own pace.

Spiritually, I want to follow my heart. I'm at the mere foothills of exploring the world of energy healing, a career I've been interested in pairing with my poetic creative journey. I have some internal work to accomplish before I can continue. This starts with following the natural flow of the seasons and resting in Winter despite my instinct.

Creatively, this works well. I'm too burnt out from the holiday season to jump into my projects, so instead of writing, I've been reading. I've read more books in the last two months than all of 2024. I'm reading everything from spiritual books to poetry to thrillers to fantasy to mystery to Reiki guides to whatever strikes my fancy. I'm dabbling with words here and there, but for now, I'm refueling my creative motherboard.

So far, I love the slower pace. For the past few years, every card and sign has told me to slow down in Winter, and I never listened. I reveled in the new year, manifested my goals, and barrelled through each one until they fell apart by Spring.

I'm not pushing myself harder than I need to. I still get a lot done, but I'm not forcing anything. I can feel myself getting stronger in every way. If I continue to honor the resting phase by the time Spring hits, I feel my motivation will take me far. Maybe this is the newest secret for writing my poetry book. Time will tell.

Are you resting this winter? Going after resolutions? I'd love to hear from you. It's been too long.

Till next time, dreamers,

Disclaimer: This blog contains Amazon Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases to help fund my dream of being a published author and poet. I love and appreciate you so much!

Wicken by Gregory Maguire



The Writer

Welcome! I'm a poet, author, mother, and dreamer of creative works, sharing my writing journey for all to see. My work is raw, honest, and not always pretty. I cover the darker elements of motherhood and being a woman, finding beauty in the shadows despite the smoke screens we like to build to shield them. 
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